Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Rhymums continued

Well i did graduate to limiting rhyme to two liners eventually.. the ones below are my more artistic works .. so proceed n dont say i didnt give ya fair notice
Ah well the history teacher always did have a rather peculiar effect on me.. While all my fellow sufferers slept through his class i paid close attention for he inevitably ended up providing just de word i was lookin for to complete ma rhyme.. In short the man was an inspiration..

Here goes .. This is dedicated to Mr Lal my history sir in 6th grade

An Encounter With An Alien
I was sitting peacefully on that fateful day,
In my home near the bay.
I saw someone looking like an alien,
Who at first looked like the Chinese Fa Hien. (didnt i say de man was a genius)
Seeing me he blabbered out something,
Which was quite out of my understanding.
I was frightened out of my wits,
And to the idea of conversing i called quits.
While running i broke some flower pots,
Upon which i heard a few shouts. (wel poetic pronunciation license)
And turning behind i saw that it was our neighbour Mr. Lal, (ther i brought his name in)
Covered from head to toe with a shawl.
Now prepare yourself this has been acknowledged by all who read it as my best (or worst depends on how u look at it really rhyme)
The Silence of the Night was Broken
The silence of the night was broken,
In the stable i heard something spoken,
I went out and found that my parents had awoken.(screams:poetic licens peopl)
My parents were looking disturbed,
And I,myself,too was very perturbed.
But gathering myself i asked them what had occurred.(if i say it rhymes it does!!)
I found out that we had been robbed of our faithful pair,
Of Arabian horses which were very rare,
Until now whom we had kept with great care.
I vowed then and there,
That i would find the gangs lair,
No matter how deadly they were.
After my troubled parents had slept,
I went to the stable with our dog Kent, (dammit it warnt history clas n i cudnt com up wid a dog name rhymin wit slept so had to mak do wit dis one)
And fortunately he caught the theives' scent.
When we reached the gangs hideout,
I found out that they had kept some men on stakeout,
Who chased us with their guns out.
We ran swiftly on the cold sand,
I fell down with my head downward striking the land,
Suddenly i woke up and found out that i had been in dreamland.
(Thank you thank you.. though i know the above er.. poem calls for a standing ovation a moment of silent worship will

Saturday, April 09, 2005

My Childhood Rhymums


Well when i was a kid i had this thing for rhyming words.... well i still kinda do.. when i felt in the mood ( which was generally during class hours) i used to jot down these er... poems.. lol

FATSO (this is dedicated to the official class bully)

I saw fatso eat with satisfaction,
He was eating with a lot of concentration,
He had a very good reputation,
For stealing his neighbours food without any hesitation,
He has got no passion,
For beggars who have no ration,
Everybody watches with admiration,
The large amount of his consumption,
Nobody could give him any satisfaction,
Even with a large amount of ration.

(I woulda gone on but the period got over and wit it , the shall we say poetic mood faded away)

oh oh i gotta show my adoring (lol) fans my very first poem.. this i suppose was in the fifth standard..
New Year (no prizes for guessin when i wrot this one)

Each time when comes a new year,
Everyone says to each other happy new year,
Everybody gets their vehicles on gear,
And go to their friends who are near and dear,
Have fun and drink some beer,
Nobody hunts hares or deer, ( i was anti-hunting)
Every person can easily hear,
Loud shouts far and near,
Nobody has any hesitation or fear,
To share gifts or fruits like pear,
Doctors always come up with a cure, (er i suppose poetic license extends
For patients who cannot endure, to pronounciation too)
Everybody has nice clothes to wear,
And wish you a very happy new year.

( if you have not already run away screaming i gotta say you have remarkable perseverance)

as a reward here goes

Once upon a midnight dreary,
soomething or the other lake erie..

( there i knew dat would have the desired affect)