Thursday, June 09, 2005

My First (n hopefully worst) Job Interview

When I say at de very outset that at this point in life a job was the very last thing I wanted u may be inclined to think of sour grapes but lemme assure u that this wasnt de case. Well Ill spare u de nitty gritty and get right down to de interview.. The aptitude test and so called group discussion were a piece of cake (modesty definitely aint one of my er.. strong suits).. The HR guy had a sense of humour and we got along really well. He was like get through the tech interview and you’ve got yourself a job.I didn’t know there was a technical interview. If I had known I probably wouldn’t have shown up at all.

So went the interview

After the basic introduce yourself and crap he asked the very question I was dreading..

SADISTIC INTERIEWER (lol): Which is your favourite subject?

ME (mistakenly assuming honesty is the best policy): English

INTERIEWER (giving me a look that made me distinctly uneasy) : I had a more technical subject in mind.

ME : Maths ( don’t blame me first thing that came to my head)

INTERIEWER : Ok.. Who invented Calculus?

ME (hoping against hope that this guy had a sense of humour) : I meant the practical side of maths.

INTERVIEWER (he had the grace to smile) : Ok lets move on to another subject of your choice.

ME (beginning to feel a bit hot around the collars): Physics

INTERVIEWER : What are Newton’s 3 laws of motion?

ME (with utmost confidence): Sir, the third law is “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”.
(after some fumbling I managed to come up with the other two laws)

INTERVIEWER (frowning impatiently) : Well any other subject you had in mind.

ME (hey am I supposed to be doing his job or what. Lets get this over with.) : C
(and before he could ask some dreadful theoretical question I almost screamed) PROGRAMMING
( He asked me some usual programming stuff which I answered with aplomb thereby regaining my confidence (which is never too far away.(lol))

INTERVIEWER : (with a sadistic smirk ) What about some subjects from the course you are currently taking ?

ME : (screaming nooooooo inside.. here goes nothing) Digital circuits Sir

( After 10 minutes of sheer torture during which both of us realized we were each totally unsuited for the jobs in mind.. me coz I had absolutely no clue what the guy was talking bout and he coz he took 10 whole minutes to realize the same.)

INTERVIEWER : (finally realization struck) Thank you for your time. You may leave now.

ME: Thank you Sir (my thoughts at this point are too graphic to be put in words)

Then a mad rush to the bus stop and it was home sweet home..


El said...

Cousin, i think you should just sit around and promote boredom, a superior state of human mind or art or whatever u claim it to be. i honestly cant imagine YOU ........ WORKING! lol! best of luck with interviews to come!

dor said...

thanks mann hey do tell me who invented other prominent stuff in .. next time i can say math again

boredom is for de laziness dat is an art..its secrets lie in gettin others ta do stuff for it is a difficult art..needs constant practis..try harder one day ul

Shrutz said...

I wish you luck... I need it too

Amit said...

I'm not going to comment about you'r interview coz mine wasn't so hot either...but hey, they lost all the good guys (you and me), their loss...right? ;o)

Roz aka The Twinset said...

Work shmirk as I like to say. Your day will come mister.. and lemme tell ya it is a "glorious" day at that ;)


P.S. Keep bloggin' :P

dor said...

beleive you me luck has very little to do with it..laziness is de prominent factor
yep buddy we are definitely meant for greater things (just cant figure out wat)
i dont intend ta start workin anytime soon..may dat day be gonna drag out college life as long as me can

dor said...

why thankee my mann..hey ya gotta blog i can look into..

Primalsoup said...

Hehe, as long as early realization of unsuitability happened you can be happy and Blog about it even! :)

Thanks for the comment on my Blog, that way I found yours!

AJ said...

down boyo its happened to the best of us.

but ive got to admit ur right about the hr guy . did he really take 10 min to actually find out how stupid u are?

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Harris Baskaran said...

Sense of humour is what saves the day.. nice da..i guess all final yrs have a story to tell abt interviews. I ended up arguing who is better Alonso or Schumacher. I never suffered a bout of Hell in a cage like u though.. nice one da..