Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Saga Continues

(note: Any misspelled or non-existent word is to be attributed to poetic license)

Now where were we? OK here goes nothing..

Well as was to be expected with Lord PG refusing to open his eyes till they landed somewhere (anywhere) it seemed the two of them would never find the castle Mindtree.. Then suddenly Lady lUCK took pity on them.. Instead of them finding the castle the castle found them..Our two worthy crusaders landed (umm not too gently) into the castle moat..

Filthy and bedraggled our heroes still managed to look heroic..Armed with their hitchhikers and that most dreaded of weapons yes indeed a state of the art laptop they boldly knocked on the castle doors..

The door suddenly became a giant screen and a most fearsome face looked out upon them and an automated voice roared "State the purpose of your visit."And Lord PG who had recovered somewhat from his traumatic experience growled "We have an appointment with the HR and ya better open this door if you know whats good for you".. Fortunately for him nobody called his bluff.. The door slid open and our heroes entered...

The castle interior was a nightmare -- what with myriad twisting corridors and doors that opened and closed on their own volition.. But our heroes stuck to their guns..After a while Lord BM bellowed "ENOUGH..i am sick of this castle..What psycho of an interior designer that made this mad house.." When suddenly a benevolent voice spoke up all around them "MY SONS the paths of wisdom are seldom easy to come by.. Follow the butterfly"

And lo ! There appeared before their startled gazes a robot butterfly and follow it they did..Very soon they came to a palatial room in the center of which sat a ditinguished person with his head in his hands.. As soon as he spoke Lord PG excaimed "Hey i thought i recognised your accent..Aren't you a native of Mace." The HR permitted himself a wry smile and said " I am bound by contract to castle Mindtree.. But i will help you all i can provided you ask me the right questions"..Then followed the most confused and jambled Q&A SESSION known to man..

At the end of a long long session of continuous talking and screaming (Lord BM remember..) they finally staggered out sore throat, sore ears and all..The HR in his eagerness to get rid of them beamed them glider and all to the coordinates provided by lord BM (and for a change they did land up near the base)..

But wait.. I hear some angry muttering ? Everyone wanst to know about the adventures of yours truly and lord philip..but thats another story..
keep your breaths baited ( or whatever the expression is)

To Be Continued


Roz aka The Twinset said...

Lub da fantasia story so far- specially da robotic butterfly and da quirky Lords...

dor said...

why thank you..
de rest wil havta wait till inspiration strikes or til i remember wat happened on ze trip